Archive for July, 2009

so i was inspired…

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Brian Pence, Architect Evangelist from Microsoft, gave a presentation at school this week and inspired me to start a blog.  As I work through preparing to demonstrating technologies for students in my classes, it often requires lots of digging/configuring on my part to get things to work properly.  It involves testing different technologies, integrating them together, etc.  So this blog will spell out the things I come across as I prep for class or simply while poke at new technologies.  Hopefully it will save some pain of other IT professionals/students/teachers who are trying to solve the same problems as myself.


On the left there is a link where you can find pdf files of the slides I use when teaching that might be of use to some folks.


Likely technologies covered in the blog:


Microsoft Windows – Server 2008, Vista, Windows 7, IIS, PowerShell, Server Core, Active Directory, GPO, Exchange, Remote Desktop


Linux – CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, bash, Samba, OpenLDAP, Apache


Macintosh OS X


Virtualization –  VMware (Workstation, Server, ESX, ESXi, Fusion), HyperV, VirtualPC, VirtualBox, Parallels


Security/Forensics – Helix, Coroner’s Toolkit, Autopsy, Foremost, NAP/NAC, ISAData Center Operations – EMC